At the most recent National Association of Broadcasters event in Los Vegas (NAB 2011), the developments within Digital Cinematography have taken the project over the brow of the hill. For a long while resolution was a central issue and when resolution became discussable in realistic terms (where manufacturers were realistic about the actual resolution as opposed to the hoped for resolution), then the rating of the stock/data in terms of light response and also in terms of tonal and colour response came into play. S now we have resolution equivalent to film (and better projection), the sensors will have a high speed and low noise floor, and the colour and tone response – especially if one uses Higher Dynamic Range imaging principles – then we can begin to develop a true artistic response in this medium.
Sony exhibited the F65 camera – a name challenging the film format of 65mm – this camera has an 8k imaging censor and realistically says it is intended to deliver 4k (remembering the Niquist-Shannon sampling theorem where you need twice the sampling to deliver the resolution). Plus there were many, many other developments in 3D and all areas of the subject.
So now it’s time for artistic image development that does not simply rely on post to confer a look – now the main project begins; to develop artistry with data.